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Workbook in Motion: Chris Ryan of Once Films

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Our interview with Once Films director Chris Ryan is the first in a series of interviews with  directors and animators about their transition to motion.

Workbook works to create an environment that enables creative buyers to easily access the growing list of motion capabilities of our contributors.   We’ve created motion tabs in each volume of the Spring 2019 Workbook, and the corresponding pages in the online version will have live links to motion files. We also contacted each of the contributors to these new tabs to ask them the same series of questions about their motion work. Each answered in his or her own unique style, giving the creative a buyer insight into the what, where, and why of their creative evolution. Follow us on our social media channels, and check out the blog where we’ll post more interviews weekly.

Check out a few of Chris’s videos from the Spotlight Series, a collection of personal vignettes that feature craftsmen, artists, and entrepreneurs who, like Chris and the filmmakers at Once Films, love what they do.


Tatoo - Spotlight series
Alchemy of Color - Spotlight series
Arc - The Spotlight series.