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An Update from the Salzman Group

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The illustrators of the Richard Salzman group have been working on assignments for clients around the world and exploring concepts and ideas of their own. They have created stunning and thoughtful imagery with, as always,  a beautiful sense of color and design.

Image above:  Ivan Canu   The Wall Street Journal, Life & Arts section: “Best and Worst US Airlines of 2019” and “The Best Airports of 2019”

Benedetto Cristofani  Kobe Bryant
Julia Kerschbaumer  Self-assigned
Juan Bernabeu  Lirabelle Publishing
Joey Guidone Mother and Son  Self-assigned
Federico Gastaldi  ACT poster
Guilio Bonasera  Wall Street Journal  "Can an AI System Be Given a Patent?"
Davide Bonazzi  IMF Finance and Development  The threat of climate change and its long-term perspective on measures to reduce green house gases.
Chiara Zarmati  LiberEtà Cover
Oivind Hovland  Self-assignment
Mark Smith Folio Society
Daria Kirpach  Bird  Self-assigned
Marco Melgraiti  Break on Through Self assigned
Michael DiMilo  Self-assigned