Tag: Children

Best Projects 2019

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Sometimes it’s a job well done on time, an appreciative client,  or fulfilling on a creative level that makes a job our best.   For the photographers below, it’s all this and more.

"We loved this project for Purolator Premium Cabin Air Filters because it was such a unique project.  The copy read “Don’t let the stink out there get in here.”
The pig and skunk were created with CGI the rest was shot in our studio.  We had fun getting the kid to give us funny faces to illustrate the bad smell." John Myers
Agency: Shine United, LLC
Client: Big Ass Fans
Art Director: Eric Cook
"This spring I was commissioned by Shine United, LLC to create imagery for a “Brand Look” for their new client Big Ass Fans, a project that presented some real challenges both with lighting and rigging the fans. The Powerfoil the biggest fan, weights around 200 lbs with a blade diameter of 16 feet! Rigging ( hanging the fans ) so they would be close enough to my studio floor to be able to work with them was solved by suspending them with an extra long drop from an open scuttle in my studio ceiling so the fan blades were about 7 feet off the floor. I was given, at my request, a few days for preproduction/pre light to work out how to light a product that was so wide ( 16’ ) although the main focus of the fans was the motor housing. With all the lighting and rigging issues worked out we completed the photography in just 4 days photographing the fans ( 5 different models ) three different views along with detail shots of each fan! I was tasked also with all of the retouching as in order to photograph the fans at the camera angle necessary required multiple lighting changes and image captures which had to be put together in post. The imagery will be used for consumer spread ads, collateral, and printed “Brand” book." Scott Lanza
"This shoot was for Craftsman Tools and it was quite enjoyable because of the in-use lifestyle approach that we took with the setups. I’m always drawn to product shots that are more about the setting rather than the product itself so I really enjoyed the challenge of planning out each setup to reflect the daily lives of customers. " John Fedele
"This image was created for skin care brand, Neutraderm for their 2020 advertising campaign. Capturing a feeling of love and intimacy between a female model and a baby who haven't met each other before the shoot is a real challenge. Creating the conditions for this image to happen and finally nailing it is one of my biggest 2019 win!" Lisa Tichané    
"It does not happen often but this was one of a few images I could execute very well. It came out exactly I had planned and I was able to create both a still and a gif images. It was a very successful promotional image." Satoshi  
"One of my favorite projects of the year was a European shoot for Uniworld River Cruises. We spent about 10 days shooting in Budapest and Vienna while staying on a couple different ships on the Danube River. Shooting on these river cruise ships had it challenges - from tight spaces onboard to windy and chilly winter weather for the outdoor shots. Logistics were also a challenge - with still crew, video crew, agency and talent numbering 18 people, getting everyone from point A to point B was a particular challenge and I was thankful to have a great producer working with us. It ended up being a fantastic experience and a very memorable shoot, with great people to work with and beautiful cities to explore." Terry Vine  

"The most challenging photo shoot I had this year was a 2 day motion and stills campaign for a Philadelphia tourism company - Visit Philly I was hired to created content promoting unique restaurants, stylish bars, and places to see great music in the city.  My production team and I were at 6 different locations in the city, with 14 models, 3 designers, 2 stylists, 1 producer, and a production truck carrying a small army of grips and gaffers.  As crazy hectic as it was, the frantic pace brought out the best in all of us.  Our motto was, if we’re having fun, then we’re feeling good, and if we’re feeling good, then were making great photos You can see the BTS @SteveGreerPhoto."  Steve Greer

"This is a favorite because the images reveal the energy and honesty of a community arts fair. Each subject walked in a makeshift studio with conviction and boldness." Carl Tremblay
Personal Project: The Farm
"This special home and its surrounding environment is the ongoing collaboration of two artists.
The serenity and beauty have lingered with me since my visit last spring. I have recently begun the task of editing a large group of images documenting this unique and magical location." Barbara Karant
Photo: Rafael Nadal, 2019 U.S. Open quarterfinals
Client: United States Tennis Association/U.S. Open
"I attended the U.S. Open for years as a kid growing up in New York, so  the opportunity to go back for two weeks every summer to photograph it for the United States Tennis Association is a real treat. The tennis isn't bad, either..." Darren Carroll  
Client: Del Monte Product" "Bubble Fruit" Agency: Doner / Doner LA "This product launch for Del Monte's "Bubble Fruit" with Doner LA was a blast - a great team, tons of collaborative energy and an amazing location to boot!"  Lisa Wiseman  
Joint clients: American Airlines and Barclays Agency: Cosgrove Associates (White Plains, NY) Creative director: Michael Caligiuri "Barclays provides the travel reward credit card services for American Airlines. This campaign, which will appear across all media next year, highlights the joy of the destination. Of course, during the winter months, the focus is on beach and resort and this campaign placed a large emphasis on family time. The campaign was primarily for small and large scale print, but we also shot video which will be used for ‘moving billboards’ within airports. I loved the assignment because it tapped into my deepest passion for creating imagery: evoking genuine emotion, joy, playfulness and energy. It allowed me to get into both my child-mode and my parent-mode (I have 4 children!), so these ‘experiences’ are quite real for me. Additionally, the client was fantastically supportive and we had an exceptional crew, thanks to Heather Smith of Smith & Union Productions, who made the enormous shot list melt away with ease."  Bill Miles