Artist: Morgan Gaynin

InFocus Illustrated Packaging

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Food, beverage and music are just some of the product packaging projects Workbook illustrators have been working on.

Feifei Ruan


Represented by Richard Solomon Artists Representative

Valeria Petrone Calafuria Wine label Represented by Morgan Gaynin
Jordi  Ros Shoryuha Lemonade Represented by Debut Artists
Steven Noble Cayman Jack Cuban Mojito Brandmark for various applications
A.k.A illustration Patron Tequila Represented by John Brewster Creative Service.
Lori Anzalone Cakebites Represented by Munro Campagna Ltd
Juan Bernabeu Liber Tertius Represented by Salzmanart
Mark Stutzman Eloqui Atlantic Records For the band, White Reaper Asking for a Ride
Andrew Hutchinson Price's Milk Represented by Illustration X
Tom Newsom Celestial Seasonings Represented by Mendola Artists
Jacqui Langeland Raised Gluten Free Represented by Lindgren & Smith  
Gwen Kerval On Tour game for Board Game Tables. Represented by Rapp|Art
Ian Dale Creamy Creations Represented by Illustration Online
Barbara Sprull Storck  
Charlotte Day Truly Organic Represented by Central Illustration Agency