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Latest Additions: February 12th – February 18th

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Illustration of taking photo on phone of diving into pool

Tom Froese is a commercial artist. He works with clients to produce images that explain, sell, and adorn. He aims to create artwork that is original, beautiful, and alive.

His work can be seen in numerous publications including Monocle, Harvard Business Review, and Wired UK, as well as in various national and international retail establishments.

Tom’s first published work, Stickyscapes: New York, launched in September 2015 from Laurence King Publishing. On the side, Tom regularly collaborates with Everlovin’ Press to create handprinted letterpress products.

Tom works with local and international agencies, individuals, and businesses on every imaginable kind of project. He works out of an old converted hog barn in the middle of nowhere.


Yuya Parker is a photographer / director based in Los Angeles. He was born in a small town surrounded by the sea and mountains in Japan. He spends 90 percent of his process to create new ideas. He goes to grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and flower markets to get inspirations. He approaches photography as a tool to create the images he imagines. Sometimes he feels like he paints with the camera. He would like to keep expressing joy and celebration of life beyond various genres of photography. Recently he created a series called “Food as Contemporary Art”           (FaCa). It’s a celebration of food. He wanted to create a series of small, joyful fantasies using simple images. The series was featured in American Photo magazine and exhibited in Art Division Gallery, Net Photo Festival, and First Congregational Church.  
Originally from a suburb north of Chicago, Rob Rey studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, graduating with a BFA in illustration. Rob now resides in Denver, Colorado. While his foremost passion is for learning of any kind, Rob’s interests are frequently piqued by both natural sciences, like astronomy and physics, as well as social sciences, like psychology and sociology. These interests commonly influence his work, as do a multitude of inspiring artists from classical art to golden age illustration and contemporary representational art. Through his love affair with the medium of oil paint, he strives to make pictures that are not only beautiful, but thought provoking as well. Careful attention to edges and working “wet into wet” are important to getting the look Rob loves most. But above all, he feels that a successful painting must convey emotion in order to connect with the viewer in a lasting way.  
Greg Premru is a photographer who specializes in residential and commercial interiors and architecture. His work captures an upscale lifestyle that you want to be a part of. It is clean and fresh, utilizing sophisticated color palettes that create a distinctive mood and ambiance. His residential interiors are bright and polished, relying on precise lighting and composition to create a natural and immersive experience. His commercial images are more graphic, with rich color palettes that highlight each unique space. Whether Greg is shooting products to make each house a home, or capturing a new hotel restaurant, each image is carefully crafted and inviting.  
Elysa Weitala specializes in food and still life photography with a passion for details, creative escapes, and beautiful light. She focuses on the vignettes of our daily lives and elevates them to a place of beauty. Photography allows Elysa to capture a moment in time. Enabling that moment to stand still: the experience, feeling, light, and even the smell, persevered.  
Alex Garcia is a Pulitzer-prize winning photographer who crafts honest and authentic narratives for corporate and advertising clients through stills and video. With two decades of experience in photojournalism with a wide range of people and situations, he knows how to work through challenges and how to find the heart of a story that breaks through the noise in our culture. From simple to complex productions, he enjoys the process of creating and communicating a vision that delivers results for delighted clients.