Artist: Robert Adamo

Workbook Artists’ Favorites in Motion for 2019

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Workbook directors continued to explore their storytelling skills for clients and themselves. They share the collaborative nature of telling a story while working for their clients and also where the inspiration comes from when they are moved to shoot stories just for themselves.


"I had an absolute blast shooting Tony Award winner, Tyler Mount, for St. Edwards University in New York City. Tyler brought his effervescent personality to the studio, and we had an amazing shoot." Adam Lerner  
I Love You A Bushel and a Peck - a Personal Project from Andy Goodwin. "Inspiration can come from the craziest of places. After stumbling upon a couple of cool locations (diner and gas station), I kept running different little stories in my head that I might be able to use them for. I finally decided on something short and sweet with a big serving of Americana, which I personally love. Fortunately, I was able to enlist the incredible talents of Brian Schilling, Ben Rodig, Tata Garcia, and Jack Goodwin, along with two of my favorite model/actors - Kristen Nunez, William Cranley, and the original Texaco Man, Paul Roeder, to make this come to life."  
"2019 was the year of the GIF, especially for one of our favorite clients, Hewlett Packard. We love working in this medium because it offers the opportunity to tell the narrative story of video, while adding the fun that comes with objects moving around on their own." Alex Crawford  
Client: Guitar Center / Campaign: Broadcast TV spot, Give the gift of Lessons, airing primetime through December on NBC, ABC, TBS, FOX, USA, CW - also on Hulu
"My favorite projects in 2019 were in the motion world. I directed a high-energy TV spot for Guitar Center that was full of creative collaborations: from motivating stoked kids to be rock stars, to matching sweet vintage lenses to the Alexa, to guiding post-production – all with a great team. " Kevin Steele
"This is one of those epic road trip projects for tourism thats tests your skills in production, art direction, and ultimately thinking on your feet in real time. It was months of preparation, location scouting, and being told no, over and over again! For this shoot we worked mostly with influencers and real people chosen from street casting and IG reach out. Nevada is a beautiful state with some of the most diverse landscape and adventure I've ever seen." Robert Adamo  
"The video Keg & Case Market, Past and Present is my favorite project for 2019 because it encapsulates the transformation of an historic dis-used structure into a vibrant, locavore culinary and micro-brew destination." Kristine Heykants  
Client: American Standard Broadcast and Print, “Love, American Standard"
"In conjunction with the production company Howdy (http://howdygang.com/) and Executive Producer Donna Drewick, I directed the broadcast campaign and shot a body of stills work for American Standard. We had the luxury of going into this project with a wonderful team, including co-director/DP Jeff Stonehouse, as well as extensive and thoughtful pre-production, making the four shoot days intense but smooth and collaborative. For me, it’s all about the people I get to work with, which made this a wonderful campaign to direct." Sara Rubinstein  
"I enjoyed this project because it was quite challenging to design a video rig to do the rotating fly-over of the skillet. Quite complex and very fun!" Sue Tallon  
"This project was super fun. Credit Karma asked us to collaborate and come up with various ways to destroy piggy banks. We got to work with explosives, a Phantom camera, robotics, and we built a Rube Goldberg inspired machine. We even got paid to do all of it!" The Voorhes